St. Petersburg Skin and Laser center

Laser Treatment for Broken Capillaries


Boost Your Confidence: Eliminate Spider Veins and Broken Capillaries for Smooth, Beautiful Skin

Broken capillaries, also known as telangiectasias or spider veins, are tiny blood vessels visible on the surface of the skin. They commonly appear on the face, particularly the nose and cheek, creating a network of red or brown spots that may affect your complexion. This condition can be a source of embarrassment, leading to a decline in self-confidence and avoidance of social events.

For many people these tiny, web-like veins can feel like a substantial obstacle and reduce their self-confidence. With an already busy life, finding a solution that can safely, quickly, and effectively diminish the appearance of broken vessels is paramount. Laser treatment with Dr. Kesty is a highly effective treatment option.

Beauty, skin and hair care. Attractive blond feminine woman with glowing facial skin, no makeup, perfect white smile, posing happy against white background in summer clothes.
Always a great experience at St. Pete Skin & Laser. The time Dr. Kesty spends explaining procedures and care is so helpful. Thank you team!

—Ashley N

Benefits of Laser Treatment for Broken Capillaries

Addressing the unwelcome changes that sun damage, aging, and other factors bring to your skin.
Precise targeting
Painless Procedure
Quick sessions
Little-to-no downtime
Smooth, radiant skin
Increased self-confidence
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Why Choose Us for Your Skin?

Unlock age-defying transformations with the tailored expertise of Dr. Kat Kesty, a pioneer in laser cosmetic dermatology

Double Board-Certified Dermatologist
Broadest selection of lasers in Florida (25+)
One of a handful of fellowship trained laser surgeons in the nation
Customized treatments merge science & artistry

Give Your Skin the Best

Don't settle. Choose confident, natural beauty.

Why Chose Laser Treatments for Broken Capillaries and Veins?

Benefits of Laser Treatment for Broken Capillaries

At St. Petersburg Skin and Laser, Dr. Kat Kesty, one of the few Fellowship Trained Laser Cosmetic Dermatologists in the United States, offers not just laser treatments but life-changing solutions. Her advanced knowledge, coupled with state-of-the-art laser technology, is a game-changer in addressing the unwelcome changes that sun damage, aging, and other factors bring to your skin. One of the most effective treatments she offers is laser therapy for broken capillaries, which comes with several benefits.

Precise Targeting

Dr. Kesty’s laser treatment is renowned for its precision. The laser therapy uses a focused beam of light energy that targets the broken capillaries exclusively, leaving the surrounding skin untouched. This procedure is therefore suitable for light skin, sensitive skin, and any skin tone. This energy converts to heat within the blood’s hemoglobin, causing the capillaries to coagulate and remove the broken capillaries and visible blood vessels. Over time, the body naturally reabsorbs these coagulated vessels, leading to a clearer, smoother complexion and reduced facial redness.

Minimal Damage

One of the significant advantages of laser light treatment is the minimal to no damage it causes to the skin surrounding the vascular lesion or pigment. The advanced laser devices Dr. Kesty uses are designed to specifically target the problem areas, thereby preserving the surrounding skin. This approach allows for effective treatment of broken capillaries without affecting the surrounding tissues, thereby ensuring overall skin health with less downtime and minimizing any potential for scarring.

Quick Sessions

Understanding the busy schedules of her patients, Dr. Kesty ensures that the laser treatment sessions are quick yet effective for treating visible veins and other vascular lesions. Typically, a session takes about 15-20 minutes, making it a swift solution for busy individuals such as working professionals and parents. This brief duration allows patients to conveniently fit their sessions into their daily routines, without causing significant disruption to their day.

Little to No Downtime

One of the hallmarks of Dr. Kesty’s laser treatment for broken capillaries is the minimal downtime. While temporary side effects such as redness, swelling (edema), vasodilation, or minor bruising may occur, they usually resolve within a few hours to a few days, depending on the patient’s skin and the extent of the treatment. The majority of patients can resume their regular activities promptly after the treatment. Detailed post-treatment care instructions are provided to ensure the quickest possible recovery time and the best results.

Qualifications and Experience To Seek in a Laser Treatment Provided

As one of a handful of Fellowship Trained Laser Cosmetic Dermatologists in the United States, Dr. Kat Kesty offers an unmatched level of expertise in laser technology. This highly specialized training means she has dedicated 14 years of her life to studying, understanding, and mastering the use of Lasers for Cosmetic Dermatology, far beyond the basic Dermatology training. Her hands-on experience with diverse skin conditions, deep understanding of skin physiology, and proficiency in the latest Laser technologies enable her to offer the most effective and safest treatments for broken capillaries and other skin concerns.

Choosing a Fellowship Trained Laser Dermatologist like Dr. Kesty over a med spa technician comes with significant advantages. A med spa technician may have general knowledge and some experience in various treatments, but they do not possess the deep understanding of skin and laser interactions that a Fellowship Trained Dermatologist does to perform a medical procedure. The depth of Dr. Kesty’s training allows her to accurately diagnose and effectively treat a wide range of skin conditions, minimize potential risks, and achieve optimal results. Furthermore, her extensive knowledge in lasers ensures that she selects the most suitable laser type for each unique skin condition and individual, optimizing safety and results.

Customized Treatment Plans

Dr. Kesty firmly believes that your skin is unique. What works well for one patient may not be suitable for another, even if they present with similar symptoms or conditions. Hence, she ensures that every treatment plan is as unique as the individual receiving it. Dr. Kesty also has a complete array of 25+ different Lasers and Energy-Based Devices at St. Petersburg Skin and Laser, so you can be assured that she has a laser for your unique skin type and cosmetic goals.

During the initial consultation, she takes the time to understand your specific concerns, assess your skin thoroughly, and discuss your goals. Using her vast knowledge and clinical experience, she identifies the most suitable laser and formulates a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and expectations. This can include the type of laser to be used (ex. intense pulsed light, PDL, etc), the number of sessions required (how many treatments), the intensity of the laser for the initial treatment, and specific care instructions for before and after the sessions.

This individualized approach not only enhances the effectiveness of the treatment but also ensures the safety and comfort of the patient throughout the process. It is a critical aspect of Dr. Kesty’s practice, which sets her apart from other providers and results in the best possible outcomes for her patients.

Laser Treatment Options for Broken Capillaries

Laser Treatment Technology

To address the problem of broken capillaries, Dr. Kesty utilizes an array of state-of-the-art laser technologies, tailoring each treatment to the unique needs of the patient. She primarily uses pulsed dye lasers (PDL), Nd:YAG lasers, and KTP lasers, each with its distinct advantages and applications.

Pulsed Dye Laser (PDL)

The Pulsed Dye Laser, commonly known as PDL, has proven to be highly efficient in treating vascular lesions, including broken capillaries, port-wine stains, bruises, a pimple, stretch marks, and spider angiomas. PDL operates by emitting a concentrated beam of light that precisely targets the affected blood vessels with potent energy. The laser’s energy is absorbed by the blood vessels, causing them to collapse. Over time, the body naturally absorbs these collapsed vessels, eliminating or significantly reducing their appearance. PDL treatments can help restore the even complexion that broken capillaries often disrupt, resulting in smoother, healthier-looking skin.

Nd:YAG Laser

The Nd:YAG laser has unique characteristics that make it particularly effective for treating larger or deeper blood vessels beneath the surface. Its wavelength allows it to penetrate deeper into the skin than many other lasers, directly targeting the underlying problem areas without causing surface skin damage. This deep reach makes it an ideal choice for more stubborn or complex broken capillary cases, helping to restore the skin’s natural, uniform appearance. This laser can also be used on sun damaged skin, for red scars after mohs surgery, on body skin, for vein removal, and for rosacea and broken capillaries. This is also a great laser for facial redness, laser resurfacing, body treatments, hand rejuvenation, scar revision after skin cancer removal surgery and skin tightening.

Intense Pulse Light

Intense Pulse Light can effectively treat the small dilated vessels that cause background redness as well as the broken larger vessels on the face. The intense pulse light device is precisely set to deliver energy to the blood vessels, leaving the surrounding skin intact. The blood vessels absorb the heat and this damages them. After a few weeks, they fade and disappear. The intense pulse light device is also effective at treating rosacea, acne, brown spots, sun damage, and fine lines.

KTP Laser

The KTP, or Potassium Titanyl Phosphate laser, effectively treats surface-level vascular issues like broken capillaries. It emits a green light that is readily absorbed by the blood’s oxygen-carrying hemoglobin, causing the vessel to heat up and break apart. The body then naturally reabsorbs these fragments, reducing the visibility of the capillaries. The KTP laser’s main advantage is its excellent precision, which minimizes potential damage to surrounding tissues. This makes it a perfect choice for treating facial redness or capillaries on delicate skin areas. Coupled with Dr. Kesty’s expertise as a board-certified laser surgeon, the KTP laser treatment ensures a significant enhancement of skin appearance, skin rejuvenation, and patient confidence.

Broken Capillaries and Blood Vessel Laser Treatment Timeline

Number of sessions and frequency of session

When it comes to the treatment of broken capillaries, it is important to remember that each patient’s case is unique and thus requires a customized approach. The number of sessions required and their frequency depend significantly on factors such as the severity, location, and extent of the broken capillaries, as well as the patient’s overall health, skin type, and individual response to treatment based on lasers.

In most cases, patients can expect to undergo between 2 to 6 sessions for optimal results. The sessions are usually spaced out 2 to 6 weeks apart. This timeframe allows the body enough time to respond to the treatment, initiating the natural healing process, and absorbing the treated blood vessels. After each session, patients typically notice a gradual improvement in the appearance of the treated areas.

Recovery Timeline After Broken Capillary Laser Therapy

Recovery following a laser therapy session for broken capillaries is typically quick and straightforward. After the treatment, temporary side effects like redness, swelling, or bruising may occur. However, these effects are generally mild and subside on their own within a few hours to a few days. Ice packs or over-the-counter topical creams can be used to alleviate any discomfort.

In the first 48 hours following treatment, patients are advised to avoid strenuous physical activities, hot baths, and exposure to direct sunlight, as these could potentially prolong the recovery process or lead to complications.

Over the course of a few weeks, as the treated capillaries are reabsorbed by the body, the patient will observe a noticeable reduction in the appearance of broken capillaries. It is important to note that adherence to post-treatment care instructions and regular use of sunscreen can significantly enhance the treatment outcome and promote faster recovery.

It is also important to schedule and attend follow-up appointments with Dr. Kesty. These check-ups allow her to monitor the healing process, make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan, and ensure the most effective results after lasers for broken capillaries. These appointments are an integral part of the treatment timeline, contributing to the overall success of the therapy.

Your Best Skin Awaits

Take the first step toward the clear, confident you.

More About Broken Capillaries (Spider Veins)

What Causes Broken Capillaries?

Broken capillaries, also known as spider veins, are tiny, dilated blood vessels that become visible on the skin’s surface. They can occur in anyone but are more common in fair-skinned people. Several factors can contribute to the development of broken capillaries:

Genetics: Heredity plays a significant role in the development of broken capillaries. If your family members have them, there is a high chance you might develop them too.

Aging: As we age, our skin becomes thinner, and the capillaries become more visible. Additionally, the walls of our blood vessels weaken over time, making them more likely to break.

Sun Exposure: Extended exposure to the sun can damage the skin and lead to broken capillaries, particularly on the face. The sun’s rays can weaken the walls of the blood vessels, causing them to dilate and break. Make sure to wear sunscreen even in cloudy weather to avoid sunburn. Also, sunscreen should be resumed immediately after any laser procedure. Exfoliants should be avoided after laser. Environmental factors such as sun play a role in the development of broken capillaries and facial redness for most patients of all skin types.

Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy or due to the starting or stopping of birth control methods can cause broken capillaries. These hormonal changes can increase blood flow and pressure, leading to the breakage of capillaries.

Rosacea: This skin condition causes facial redness and can result in broken capillaries on the cheeks, nose, and other areas of the face.

Lifestyle Factors: Certain lifestyle factors can contribute to the development of broken capillaries. These include excessive alcohol consumption and smoking, both of which can dilate blood vessels and cause them to break.

Where Do Broken Veins Appear?

Broken capillaries, also known as spider veins, can commonly occur on several areas of the human body:

  • Face – Broken capillaries often appear on the face, especially on the nose, chin, and cheeks. These facial veins can cause a reddish, blotchy appearance on the face. They are often prominent on the nose and cheeks. Broken blood vessels that are small may be perceived as “background redness” or a “permanent blush”. Port wine stains typically appear on the face.
  • Legs – Broken capillaries frequently appear on the upper legs, especially the thighs. They often have a spiderweb-like pattern. Leg broken capillaries are often caused or aggravated by prolonged standing or sitting.
  • Feet – The feet, especially the ankles, are also a common location for broken capillaries. Like the legs, broken capillaries on the feet are often linked to prolonged periods of standing, walking or sitting.
  • Chest – The chest area, especially along the cleavage, is another place where broken capillaries may emerge. They tend to have a blotchy, reddish appearance on the chest.
  • Back – The back, especially the upper back, can also be an area where broken capillaries may develop. They tend to have an irregular, blotchy pattern on the back. They can also form as part of a stretch mark.

Embark on Your Journey Towards Radiant Skin: Schedule a Consultation Today

Broken capillaries and vascular imperfections on your face can rob you of your self-confidence and impact your quality of life. But remember, you are not alone in your journey towards renewed vitality and youthfulness. Dr. Kesty and the dedicated team at St. Petersburg Skin and Laser are committed to helping you overcome these skin challenges and reclaim your radiant, youthful skin.

As a Fellowship Trained Laser Cosmetic Dermatologist, Dr. Kesty is uniquely qualified to deliver personalized, effective solutions that address your specific skin concerns. She combines her extensive knowledge, vast experience, and state-of-the-art laser technology to offer transformative, lasting results that not only improve your skin’s appearance but also boost your self-confidence.

Why wait another day to start living your life to the fullest? Don’t let broken capillaries define you or hold you back. It is time to embrace a rejuvenation you never thought possible. By scheduling a consultation today, you are taking the first vital step towards revitalizing your appearance and reclaiming your confidence.

Discover how the state-of-the-art treatments at St. Petersburg Skin and Laser can help you turn back the clock on your skin by 10-20 years. The future of your skin health is only a phone call away. Contact us to schedule your consultation, and begin your transformation towards a more confident, vibrant, and younger-looking you.

Give Your Skin the Best

Don't settle. Choose confident, natural beauty.

More FAQs about Broken Capillaries (Spider Veins, Broken Blood Vessels)

How do broken capillaries appear on the skin?

Broken capillaries may appear as red, dot-like or string-like vessels on the skin. They vary in size from tiny to large and are most commonly found on the face, legs, and chest.

What symptoms can broken blood vessels cause?

Broken blood vessels typically present as visible red marks on the skin. They may itch or feel irritated, and are more likely to appear with age or due to hormone changes.

Do any at-home treatments for broken blood vessels work?

At-home treatments for broken capillaries include topical creams, cold compresses, and lifestyle modifications. Their effectiveness is unproven versus the measured outcomes of in office procedures. Laser treatments are favored because of it is a non-invasive yet effective procedure.

Does laser therapy for broken blood vessels and capillaries hurt?

Laser therapy for broken blood vessels and capillaries can cause mild discomfort, but the pain level is usually minimal. Many patients describe the sensation as similar to a mild sensation of heat or the gentle snapping of a rubber band against the skin. Pain management options, such as cooling gels or local anesthesia, can be used to ensure patient comfort during the procedure.

How do professionals assess a patient’s skin before treatment?

Prior to laser skin treatment, a healthcare professional will perform a skin assessment to evaluate the severity of the condition and to determine the most suitable treatment plan including which specific laser to use. This includes considering factors such as the patient’s age, skin type, and medical history.

What are some considerations for at-home treatments?

At-home treatments for broken capillaries can support an overall treatment plan, but their effectiveness can vary. Nothing is as effective as laser therapy with a trained laser surgeon. Considerations for these treatments include the individual’s skin type, the severity of the broken capillaries, and potential skin reactions to the treatments.

How does nutrition impact broken capillaries?

Certain foods and beverages, like spicy foods and alcohol, can exacerbate broken capillaries. A healthy diet, however, can support overall skin health and potentially mitigate some risk factors associated with the condition.

What qualifications should skincare professionals doing capillary laser treatment have?

Skincare professionals who evaluate and treat conditions like broken capillaries should have relevant education, proper licensing, and specialized training to provide the most effective and safe treatments. Ideally, they are performed by a Board Certified Dermatologist who is Fellowship Trained in Laser Surgery.

What are some alternative treatments to laser therapy for broken capillaries?

Alternatives to laser therapy for broken capillaries include treatments such as cryotherapy, which involves freezing the affected area, sclerotherapy, which involves injecting a solution into the vein to cause it to collapse and fade, and electrodesiccation. Cosmetic coverage with makeup and other cosmetics is also an option. However, laser treatment is Dr. Kesty’s preferred method of treatment.

What metrics are used to measure the success of broken capillaries treatment?

Success metrics for broken capillaries treatment include patient satisfaction levels, recurrence or complication rates, improvements in the appearance of the skin, reduction in symptom severity, and a reduced need for follow-up treatments.

What are the underlying factors causing broken capillaries?

Several factors can cause broken capillaries. These include sun damage, heredity, pregnancy, rapid weight loss or gain, menopause, any other environmental factor, and physical injury to the area.

Do broken capillaries imply and underlying disease?

While broken capillaries can be a sign of an underlying condition like rosacea, they often do not indicate a serious medical problem. They are usually a cosmetic concern rather than a health issue. However, if broken capillaries are accompanied by other symptoms, like pain, swelling, or changes in skin color, they could be a sign of a more serious condition like vascular disease, and it would be advisable to consult with a Physician for evaluation. Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, poikilodermatous mycoses fungoides, skin cancer, and other cancerous lesions in certain areas may be mistaken for a broken capillary by a untrained person. It is always best to see a board certified dermatologist for a thorough skin assessment and diagnostic tests.

What care should be taken before and after laser treatments for broken capillaries?

Prior to laser treatment, sun exposure and tanning should be avoided and blood thinners discontinued. After the treatment, aloe vera or cortisone cream may be applied for relief during the repair process, and daily sunscreen use is recommended. Activities such as hot baths, saunas, and vigorous exercise should be avoided.

What are the common side effects of laser treatments for broken capillaries?

Common side effects of laser treatments for broken capillaries include bruising, redness, swelling, and temporary pain or discomfort. There’s also a risk of hyperpigmentation. In rare cases, scabbing may occur.

How many treatment sessions are typically needed for broken capillaries?

The number of treatment sessions needed for broken capillaries typically ranges from 3 to 6, with treatments spaced at 4 to 6 week intervals. Initial results are usually visible after 1 to 3 treatments.

How long does it take to see results from treatment for broken capillaries?

Results from treatment for broken capillaries usually become visible 1 to 4 weeks after the final treatment, with maximum effectiveness reached 6 to 12 months after the final treatment.

What are some at-home treatments for broken capillaries?

At-home treatments for broken capillaries include topical creams, cold compresses, and lifestyle modifications. Their effectiveness is unproven versus the measured outcomes of in-office procedures. Laser treatments are favored because it is a non-invasive procedure yet it is highly effective.

How does nutrition play a role in the treatment and prevention of broken capillaries?

Certain foods and beverages, such as spicy foods and alcohol, can exacerbate broken capillaries. A healthy diet can support overall skin health and may mitigate risk factors-

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